Saturday, December 10, 2011

ran across a website tonight with similar research...

and this was my comment to it ... your research is awesome and is very close to what I discovered. I researched this earlier this year and was just brushing up on my blog making sure I had everything I needed for my family christmas program. you stopped at day 7 but I found out that it is ALL birds. or certainly could be. 10 Lord’s a leaping… there is a Lord God Bird, a woodpecker and it leaps. In fact many birds leap. 8 maids a milking. the cuckoo bird is called a maid and they milk their young. 9 ladies dancing… There is a Lady roco bird… and it could just be referring to female birds dancing. birds dance and leap. 11 pipers… there are sand pipers. 12 drummers drumming… many birds drum… in fact the ruffled grouse (PA) is called a partridge or drummer. thought you might like to know. no proof of if that is what the author of the song intended but hey, it works.

Friday, December 9, 2011

worked most of the day on the cricut cutting out cards and tags with the 12 days of Christmas/Christmas for the birds theme. getting down to the wire and getting lots done.

Monday, November 28, 2011

working on my Christmas decorations even as I type this. Yes it is that time of year and I am hurrying and scurrying cause the season will come and go before we know it. Happy Birthday Jesus, I sure do love You!!
I posted this on my facebook this morning.
Holidays are holy days so when you say Happy Holiday's you still can't get rid of the HOLY ONE. I personally say Merry Christmas as I prefer doing everything in word and in deed in the NAME of the Lord. Jesus is the reason for the season!! Our Savior, Our Messiah. If ever the world needed Hope it is now. Spread the word... HOPE came down at the very first Christmas. you can keep your Santa and Scrooge and all of that, but I want His Presence this Christmas.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

been thinking how close it is getting to Christmas. thinking that Mark better be getting his sermon together about the importance of Birds in the Bible. like the Eagle, the Dove, the sparrow, the raven, etc. I think it will be real interesting and I am looking forward to it. Mom Peter (if she gets to go to Branson) can tell us about the 12 days of Christmas from the Biblical standpoint during the "dark ages". I am thinking we could sing "His eye is on the Sparrow", " Consider the Lilies", "I'll Fly Away" and "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles... etc.